Our creative community has big goals and aspirations, come support us in bringing them to you!

These aspirations include maintaining and updating our Heritage building, bolstering our music program, fine tuning and expanding our education program, and the sustainment of our regular operations.  All of our necessary Covid adaptations over the last two years have reinforced and reignited our commitments to our main tenants of

education, community, and creativity

which is at the heart of our community arts centre and of this capital campaign.


  • Donations above $500 will be recognized on a metal plaque at the front of the building.  

  • Donations above $3,000 will be recognized on our website and promotional newsletters for a year  

  • Tax receipts will be given to anyone who donates $20 or more 


Your TOSH Capital Campaign donations will go towards:

Facilities and Operations

A few of the upgrades we have made since 2019, to ensure our organization runs smoothly, include: a new alarm system and updated fire safety infrastructure; the installation of WIFI; gift shop renovations addressing accessibility and necessary upgrades; new inventory and sales software; the addition of a communications and online management position. 

Our classroom is next on the list, as it is in need of new blinds (we are still using our original blinds from 1988!), and tables and chairs used for instruction. In order to embrace online learning as well as provide modern aids to our teachers and students for in-class learning , new robust technological equipment is required. Additionally, retrofitting our classroom  for storage and best use practices would be beneficial to all. 

Campaign funding designated for our Heritage building will also be used to renovate the downstairs bathroom for accessibility,  refurbish the floors on the ground floor level, and upgrade infrastructure for more accessibility on the ground floor level.

Music Program

The TOSH Music Program  is a pillar of our arts centre, as over the years it has gained a reputation for bringing musicians of note to our community. Your contributions will ensure the continuation of class acts coming to Qualicum Beach while allowing for additional music events such as evening cabarets and festivals, and ensuring all musicians fair and equitable pay. The Music Program intends to offer a summer Jazz camp for teens and adults in 2022. 

Education Program

Our educational programming has always been a cornerstone of The Old School House Arts Centre (it’s in the name!). With additional funding we aim to lower costs to students, provide more options for classes and workshops, expand our offerings for students with disabilities, while continuing to pay professional artists to instruct.